Pari paitaa, housut, alkkarit ja pikkarit ja sukat reppuun ja eikun menoksi ! Edessa oli roadtrip pitkin Victorian rannikkoa ja kuuluisaa Great Ocean Roadia. Sharon nappasi minut kyytiin aikaisin lauantaiaamuna ja lahdimme huristelemaan kohti ensimmaista pysahtymispaikkaamme Camberdownia. Moottoritie oli kuumana ja rokki soi ! Noin 50 km rannikolta sisamaassa sijaitseva Camberdown ja sen kujilla sijaitseva Loaf Lounge tarjosi meille ihastuttavan lounaan. Purjo-perunasosekeittoa (, joka sisalsikin harmikseni myos pekonia)seka kasvisfoccaciaa ja perunalohkoja. Nailla evailla oli hyva jatkaa matkaa.
Couple shirts, pants, undies and socks to my bag and I was ready to go ! It was time for a roadtrip at the coast of Victoria and Great Ocean Road. Sharon picked me up early on Saturday morning from Wanda Road and then we left towards our first stop: Camberdown. First we took the inland route as it was faster and we would come back Great Ocean Road anyway. About 50 km inland from coast Camberdown and the cute little lunch place Loaf Lounge offered us terrific meal. Potato and leek soup, veggie foccacia and wedges. Bellies were full and it was time to continue.
Sharon thought I'm funny as I take pictures from everything .. |
Cakes, macarons, cookies .. Everything what you can think of |
Camberdown |
When we arrived to the coast I realised why people are ready to drive from Melbourne or even from further down here. Between Peterborough and Port Campbell and 12 Apostles my camera became busy. The limestone stacks off the shore were amazing and beautiful. They looked like unreal and human work. But they are not. They are nature's own art and that made it even more amazing.
London Bridge |
And again without the weird tourist in the picture |
Loch Ard Gorge |
Loch Ard Gorge |
Despite the breathtaking views our need for coffee wasn't satisfied and we stopped for a cup in Port Campbell. Port Campbell is just 15 km drive away from the main turist attraction 12 Apostles so we didn't waste much time and sipped our coffees and then continued our way. The Twelve Apostles is a collection of limestone stacks off the shore formed by erosion. The stacks are about 45 metres high and many of them has collapsed and nowadays there are few left. The view was anyway impressive and unreal. How something like that has been able to form without human help? Humans have created many beautiful things but this kind of miracle of nature wins definitely human outputs. Speaking about humans and people .. The amount of Japanese tourists was also quite unreal. Where they all come from with their fancy systems cameras?
Kauniiden rannikkomaisemien lisaksi matkanvarrella onnistuin bongaamaan valaan meren kuohuissa. Naky oli itselleni uskomaton ja en voinut ensin uskoa silmiani, mutta kun valaan pyrsto valahti useamman kerran aaltojen joukossa en voinut kuin todeta nahneeni valaan ensi kertaa elamassani paljain silmin. Upean Avara luonto-kokemukseni lisaksi matkan varrella nakemani pelto- ja niittymaisemat olivat ihastuttavia. Down Underista olin yhtakkia hypannyt keskelle suositun saippuasarjan Emmerdalen maisemia, kun vihreilla niityilla laiduntavat lampaat toivat mieleeni Englannin maaseutumaisemat. Kaikki vihreys ja suuret tilat yllattivat minut, silla olin aiemmin ajatellut Australian olevan hyvin kuiva ja luonnon olevan variltaan saven ja hiekan ruskeaa. Sen sijaan naen edessani loputtomasti jatkuvia karjatiloja vihreine laidunmaineen. Itseasiassa australialaiset maitotuotteissa on paljon betakaroteenia (A-vitamiinia), koska lehmat saavat laiduntaa ympari vuoden niityilla ja nauttia suoraan maan antimia. Sen sijaan meilla Euroopassa lehmia joudutaan pitamaan sisalla navetoissa ja ruokkimaan viljalla. Taman johdosta mm. australialainen voi on keltaisempaa kuin eurooppalainen.
Besides beautiful coast views I succeeded to see a whale swimming in the ocean. First I couldn't believe my eyes but when the tail flashed several times from the ocean foam I just had to tell myself: I had seen a whale first time in my life with naked eye. Despites the whale the green and beautiful field landscapes were fascinating. When I saw sheeps pasturing on the green fields I felt like I had jumped suddenly in the middle of scenes of Emmerdale (popular English soap opera). All this greenery and big farms surprised as I always thought Australia is very dry and nature's colour would be brown. Instead I saw infront of me endless fields with big herds pasturing there. Actually Australian milk is rich in betacarotene (vitamin A) because cows are mostly pasture fed. Whereas in Europe we have to house cows in barns most of the year and cows are commonly grain-fed. That's why the Australian butter is more yellow and the European butter is more pale in colour.
Are we in Oz or England? |
Cattle outside pasturing |
Kun vihdoin ja viimein saavuimme Apollo Bayhin takana oli useampi kilometri ja olimme olleet tienpaalla melkein 10 tuntia. Siksi oli hyva kohta pysahtya yoksi ja antaa kuskin lepuuttaa kaasujalkaansa, silla muuten kotimatkasta olisi tullut liian pitka ja puuduttava. Majapaikkamme oli Apollo Bay Backpackersissa, joka tarjosi viihtyisan omakotitalomajoituksen. Hinta oli 25 dollaria per henkilo kahden hengen huoneessa sis. aamupalan. Aamupala sisalsi muroja, myslia, puuroa, kahvia, teeta seka paahtoleipaa useine eri levitteineen: hilloja, vegemitea, nutellaa, voita ym. Ihan hyva hinta siis Australian maaperalla. Kaakkois-Aasian hintoihin oli kuitenkin matkaa .. Voi etta kaipaan niita paivia, kun 10 dollaria oli kiskurihinta huoneesta ! Mutta palataan takaisin Down Underiin .. Kun olimme saaneet tavarat leviaksi menimme illalliselle Ilukaan, paikalliseen kreikkalaiseen ravintolaan, jonka hassu kreikkalainen tarjoilija George tarjosi meille makunystyroita hivelevan illallisen (sienirisottoa kauden yrteilla, nam !). Jalkiruuaksi saimme mandariinit ja naurut, kun George kysyi tosissaan tiedammeko, mika hedelma se on. Illallisen jalkeen menimme yohompsyille paikalliseen baariin, jossa syvennyimme footyn eli aussijalkapallon saloihin, kun paikalliset olivat keraantyneet seuraamaan kyseista matsia televisiosta. Seuraamme liittyivat myos USA:sta kotoisin oleva sisaruspari, joiden kanssa jaoimme paivan kokemuksia ja saimme pienen juttelun jalkeen huomata, etta olimme koko paivan ajan seuranneet toisiamme. Kun lasin pohja alkoi pilkistaa esiin eli yohompsyt oli nautittu, oli aika palata takaisin Apollo Bay Backpackeriin ja valmistautua kauneus unille seka seuraavaan paivaan ..
When we finally arrived to Apollo Bay we had droven many kilometres and there were almost 10 hours behind on the road. That's why it was good to stop on Apollo Bay and stay over the night and let our driver rest. Our accomodation place was Apollo Bay Backpackers which offered us a cosy room in an actual house. Price for night was 25 dollars including breakfast which was porridge, cereals, muesli, toast with all different spreads like jam, vegemite, nutella, butter etc. So pretty good price in Australia. Still it had a long way for South East Asian prices .. God I miss those days when 10 dollars for a room was exorbitant price ! But now we are in Australia .. After spreading out all our stuff we went out for a dinner. Local Greek restaurant Iluka and it's delightful waiter George offered us delicious dinner. For dessert we got mandarins and good laughs when George asked seriously do we know what fruit it is. For nightcap we went to a local pub where we watched footy game with two American sisters. We also found out that we had been travelling the same route with them the whole day. Funny coincidence. After night caps were over it was time to return to Apollo Bay Backpackers and have our beauty sleep.
Our bedroom |
Living room and kitchen |
Apollo Bay Backpackers |
Girls ready to go out - Apollo Bay just wait ! |
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