Lapsenvahdin tyossa on monia hyvia puolia: paaset usein osingoille lasten herkuista, kahden tai kolmen tunnin paivaunet seka reissut lapsenmielisiin kohteisiin, jolloin saat tuoda sisaisen lapsesi esiin. Paasin kyseisen kaltaiselle retkelle perheeni kanssa Werribeen Open Range Zoohon, joka sijaitsee vain puoli tuntia Melbournesta. Elaintarha on suuri usean hehtaarin kokoinen alue, jossa elaimet paasevat liikkumaan vapaasti ja elamaan mahdollisimman luonnonmukaisissa olosuhteissa. Elaintarhassa voit paasta Open Safari-ajelulle elainten keskelle bussin tai jeepin kyydissa tai yopy teltassa yon yli elaintarhan alueella. Itse en kannata elaintarhoja, mutta pakko myontaa, etta kylla se sisainen lapseni innostui melkoisesti viimeistaan silloin, kun paasin nakemaan leijonan vain puolen metrin paasta.
There are many pros in nanny job: you often get a share of kids dessert plate, two three hour naps and the trips to the places where you are aloud to be one of the kids. I was lucky to go this kind of trip to the Werribee Open Range Zoo with my family. It's many hectares large area where animals from Africa can live in an environment which is open and close to their own natural habitant. It's located only half an hour from Melbourne. At the zoo you can drive among the animals with a jeep or bus or stay over the night in a tent. I don't support much zoos but this time I have to say that the inner child awoke atleast then when I saw a lion closer than 1 metre.
Ready for adventure |
We started the trip early in the morning after packing the food, drinks and everybody had visited at the toilet. After little car drive we were already there. First animal which we saw that day was a huge black gorilla. It was so big I was scared that the King Kong had returned. After gorilla we continued to meet the little smaller relatives - monkeys. The bad memories from Ubud and Koh Lanta just sprang in to my mind and I must say these little buddys didn't get me so excited. Sorry guys.
Mr. King Kong |
Welcome ! |
Apinoita katsoassamme saimme kuulla kuuman vihjeen, etta leijonat oli juuri syotetty ja voisimme nahda ne aivan lahelta. Ei muuta kuin juoksuksi ja tama palkittiin ! Kun saavuimme leijonien luo, meita odotti mahtava naky. Edessamme makasi nuori urosleijona jeepin konepellin paalla nauttimassa lounasta. Tai itseasiassa brunssia, kun ei ollut viela lounasaika, mutta aamupala-aikakin oli jo mennyt. Kuitenkin (eksyin taas vahan aiheesta), naky oli mahtava ja olimme perheen aidin kanssa aivan haltioituneita. Hassua oli, etta lapset halusivat jatkaa matkaa ja nahda ennemminkin elainmaailman koomikkoja hyeenoja. Yritimme aidin kanssa saada lapset innostumaan elainkunnan kuninkaasta, mutta nama hihittavat koiraotukset veivat voiton ja oli aika siirtya heidan reviirille.
While watching the monkeys we heard that lions were just fed and it would be great opportunity to see them close so we hurried quickly over there and good we did that. A young male lion was eating his lunch (or actually brunch as it wasn't breakfast time anymore but not yet lunch time so ... Ups, I got little bit of the rail again) on a jeep and we could see him and his friends really close. It was amazing and me and the mother were entranced. Funny was that the kids were more excited to move on and see the animal kingdom's comedians - African wild dogs. We tried to talk the kids to stay but no .. it was time to go and meet the comedians.
Simba ? |
Can you get more closer without being scared to be eaten? |
"There's a lion eating the brunch tonight .. " |
Wild dogs |
Hihittelevien hyeenojen jalkeen naimme pari erittain hermostunutta ja vahan itseasiassa ilkeannakoista gepardia. Luultavasti he odottelivat omaa lounastaan saapuvaksi. Elaintarhan hippo sen sijaan osasi ottaa paljon rennommin ja saavuimme paikalle juuri kun virtahepo oli menossa kylpemaan. Tuntuu hullulta, etta kyseinen pyoreanmallinen muumimainen otus on yksi elainkunnan vaarallisimpia elaimia ja syyna monen ihmisen kuolemaan. Tykkaan ennemminkin kuvitella niiden paalle esiliinan tai silinterin ja ajatella heidan olevan Muumien ihastuttavat Muumimamma ja -pappa.
After snickering wild dogs we saw couple very nervous cheetahs. Actually they looked little bit mean but I think they were just waiting their own meal time. The zoo's hippo instead seemed quite relaxed and took a bath when we came to see him. Seems so weird that hippo, the round and harmless looking animal, is one of the most dangerous animals and reason for many human killings.
Hungry 'little' kitty |
This mate takes it easy |
Sitten oli bussisafarin aika. Jalleen evaiden pakkaus, vessakaynnit, pieni "missa liput ja avaimet ovat" -paniikki ja sitten olimme valmiina astumaan bussin kyytiin, joka vei meidat nakemaan lisaa Afrikan elainkunnan ihmeita. Vastaamme tuli kameleita, seeproja, kirahveja, sarvikuonoja seka muita ankyravankyramaisia sarviolentoja, joiden nimia en enaa muista. Mahtavin naky aukeni edessamme, kun olimme suuren peltoalueen ylapuolella ja naimme alas aukiolle, kun kirahvit ja seeprat tarpoivat pitkin aluetta ja taman nayn kruunasi aurinko lampimilla auringon sateillaan. Olo oli kuin olisin hypannyt keskelle Leijonakuningasta. Maagisen hetken rikkoivat nalanhuudot seka vessanpaasemisvaatimukset.Karu muistutus siita, etta olin oikeastaan toissa.
Then it was time to go for a bus safari. Again packing the foods and drinks, toilet visits and little "where are the tickets"-panick and then we were ready to jump in the bus which took us to see more miracles of Africa. We saw camels, zebras, giraffes, rhinos and many other animals (I can't even remember all the names). The most amazing view came when we could see down the field where all the giraffes and zebras were wondering around and the sunshines emerged and lightened the field. I felt like I was in Lion King. The magical moment was broken when I heard "I'm hungry/I have to pee"-screams. I remembered again that I was actually working.
One of the can't-remember-what-animal-it-was |
Retki kruunattiin kiertamalla snagarin kautta kotiin ja jokainen tyhja masu taytettiin voileivilla ja ranskalaisilla. Paras hetki oli, kun olin aika kysya, mika oli paivan paras elain: tiikeri. Totta kai. Loppuun tarkennukseksi: elaintarhassa ei ollut yhtakaan tiikeria.
The trip was crowned by visiting at the kiosk and every hungry tummy was filled with sandwiches and chips. The best part was when it was time to ask which was the best animal we saw that day: tiger. Of course. Just to tell you: there were no tigers in the zoo.
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