Vapaapaiva. Aww. Tai no minulla niita nyt on aika useita, mutta jotenkin taman paivan kohdalla kaikki taydellisen vapaapaivan palaset osuivat kohdalleen. Aamun aloitin rauhallisesti kokkaillen lasagnea ja iltapaivan vietin Melbournen keskustassa CBD:ssa kavellen pitkin poikin katuja ja pysahdyin kahville lempikahvilaani. Oli tuulinen, mutta ihanan aurinkoinen ilma. Nautin paivasta ja halusin jakaa paivan kuvasatoa teidan kanssanne. Toivottavasti tekin nautitte siita.
Day off. Awww. Or well I have them quite often but somehow this day was day off with the big D. The morning started nicely by making lasagna and later in the afternoon I went to the city centre for a walk and coffee at my favorite cafe. The weather was little bit windy but still nice and sunny. I enjoyed the day so much and I wanted to share it here in my blog with you. Hopefully you will also enjoy from the pictures and get even little bit the taste of Autumn day in Melbourne
Ensimmainen stoppini oli Flinder Streetilla ja Federation Squarella. Federation Sq. on suosittu turistinahtavyys ja sen luota lahtee mm. ilmaisia opastuskierroksia ympari kaupunkia. Aukion ulkonaosta on asukkaiden kesken ollut paljon puheita puolesta ja vastaan. On se sitten minka nakoinen tahansa, ainakin se on yksi suosituimmista turistikohteista Melbournessa.
My first stop was on Flinder Street and Federation Square. Federation Sq. is a popular sight among tourists. From the square you can find tourist information centre and free guided tours around the CBD leave from there. There has been lot of talk about the look of the square. In the end it doesn't matter what the square looks like as it is still one of the most popular attractions in the city.
Kun kaannat kontteja 180 astetta ympari, voit nahda Federation Squarelta myos kuuluisan Flinder Street Stationin, joka on edelleen toiminnassa ja on myos suosituimpia ja kuvatuimpia nahtavyyksia turistien keskuudessa. Enka ihmettele. Kaunis rakennus. Voittaa ainakin Turun rautatieaseman. Vai mita mielta olette?
Turku's trainstation ( |
Flinder Streetin toisella puolella voit nahda kauniin kirkkorakennuksen, St. Paulin Katedraalin. Muuta en rakennuksesta osaakaan sanoa, kuin etta hieno pytinki sekin.
Jatkoin matkaani Flinder St. pitkin ja vastaani tuli kyseinen keskus. Tassa muuten vahan trivial-tietoa: maailman ensimmainen elokuva tuotettiin Australiassa v.1906 ja elokuvan nimi oli The Story of Kelly the Gang. Ensiesitys oli Melbournessa Atheneum hallissa. Melbournea pidetaankin Australian filmituotannon syntypaikkana ja muutenkin maan kulttuurisena paakaupunkina.
I continued my way along the Flinder Street and I saw this centre. Here is some trivial-information: the world's first feature length narrative film was the Australian produced The Story of Kelly the Gang and it was first showed in Melbourne at Athenaeum's hall at 1906. Afterwards Melbourne has been the cultural capital city and the birthplace for Australian Film.
Eksyin kyseiselle kadulle nahtyani kauniiden graffitien koristelevan sen seinia. Melbournen pikkukadut ovat taynna kauniita ja upeita graffititaideteoksia, joita pysahdyn useasti ihastelemaan. Melbournelaiset todella ottavat taiteen vakavasti, kun meilla graffitimaalailu on yleensa julkisten rakennusten tohrimista, mutta taalla se on selvasti oma taiteenmuotonsa. (Ps. Paljastus: Graffiteista tulossa oma postauksensa myohemmin)
I lost in to this street after I saw the beautiful graffitis on the walls. Melbourne's little streets are full of gorgeus and beautiful art pieces and I often stop to admire them. You can see them anywhere in the city ! Proof that Melbourians take anykind of form of art seriously.
(Ps. There is a own post about graffitis coming - just wait !)
Pikku katu johdatti minut toiselle suuremmalle kadulle Collins Streetille. Collins Streetilla tulet varmasti kohtamaan pukumiehia kiiruhtamassa toimistoltaan kotiin tai pikaiselle lounaalle. Katu on taynna merkkiliikkeita kuten Hermes, Gucci ja Prada. Kadun varsille istutetut puut lisaavat kadun viihtyisyytta ja hienostunutta tunnelmaa. Paikallisten mielesta Collins Street henkii eurooppalaista ilmapiiria ja kutsuvat katua siksi kadun toista paata "pariisilaiseksi".
The little street brought me to another bigger street Collins St. There you will definitely meat suitmen hurrying from the office to home or quick lunch. Collins St. is full of design shops like Hermes, Gucci and Prada. The trees along the street create more sophisticated athmosphere and the locals think the street has European athmosphere and the other end is actually called "Parisian"
Melbourne on kuuluisa raitiovaunuistaan ja ne kuuluvat kaupunkikuvaan kuin rusina pullaan.
Which one you like more? The old one .. |
or the modern? |
Parlamenttitalo - Parliament house
Eihan mikaan kaupunki ole mitaan ilman omaa Chinatownia ! Neonvaloja ja mainostauluja riittaa, mutta Melbournen Chinatown eroaa Kuala Lumpurin Chinatownista melkoisesti, silla taalla naet ympariinsa pukumiehia ja -naisia nauttimassa dim sumeistaan ja kadut ovat siisteina roskista. Kukin kaupunki tyylillaan.
The city is not a city with out a Chinatown ! Though Melbourne's Chinatown has also neon lights and the restaurants are advertising their meal deals it differs quite a lot from the Kuala Lumpur's. Here you can see suitmen and women enjoying dim sums and rubbish are rare thing to see. Well Melbourne each it's own ..
Chinatownin jalkeen tiesin olevani lahella lempikahvilaani. Itseasiassa lempi suklaakahvilaani. Siella voit nauttia suklaata missa tahansa muodossa voit vain kuvitella ja herkutella makuhermosi pilalle. Mm. tummasuklaa kaakao on tappavan hyvaa ! Talla kertaa kuitenkin paatin kokeilla Australian nimikkokahvia:flat whitea. Sen pitaisi olla maultaan pehmeampi kuin tavallisen cafe latten. Hyvaltahan se maistui ja kylla se makukin oli hieman pehmeampi. Australialaiset ovat yrittamassa vieda omaa nimikkolatteaan Amerikan mantereelle ja luulen maitokahvikansan nauttivan kyseisesta juomasta.
After getting out of Chinatown I knew I would be close to my favorite cafe in the centre. Actually it's a chocolate cafe .. There any chocoholist can have what ever you dream about and for example the dark hot chocolate is devilishly good ! This time I decided to try Australian's own cafe latte: flat white. It's like latte but the taste should be smoother. it was quite good and also the taste actuylla was smoother. Australians are trying to export their own version of cafe latte to States and I believe the Americans who love their milk coffee will like the Australian version.
Flat white |
After nice coffee I continued my walk to Bourke Street which is the most popular shopping street in the city. On the way I stopped to watch some street artists who played better than many professional artists. The athmosphere was crazy .. I just love this city !
Bourke St. |
Antoher popular shopping place - Block Arcade |
The big Yarra river goes through Melbourne and it has an important role historically and mentally for the city. Before the industry used it for transportation and nowadays it's part of the city image. In my home city I love to do long walks along the river shore so I don't wonder why I ended up walking there ..
Walking on the river shore was calming and beautiful. The steps of busy business people become slower and the orange and red colours of the trees paints the view amazingly beautiful. On the background I listen to John Legend's song Each Day Gets Better and I just had to smile and sing a long. Nothing could be better.
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