Helmikuun 9.paivana tapahtui reppureissumatkamme historiallinen hetki: erosimme Katen kanssa muutamaksi paivaksi, kun Kate lahti nauttimaan rantaelamasta perheensa kanssa Langkawille ja itse jain KL:n pariksi paivaksi. Olisin voinut liittya perheen seuraan, mutta Langkawin nahtyani ja koettuani paatin jaada mantereen puolelle. Sain myos kuulla, etta Laosin tuttu Yannik olisi saapumassa Kuala Lumpuriin matkallaan kohti Singaporea. Sillahan se yksinelon ongelma oli selvitetty ja lyottaydyin hanen seuraansa Kuala Lumpurissa paivaksi ja myohemmin lahdimme yhdessa kohti Singaporea.
Ja tama kannatti. Herran cv:hen sisaltyy muun muassa kokin ammatti ja saimme nauttia Birdnestissa yhtena iltana maittavan pastaillallisen. Ateria vei niin suomalaisten, baskien kuin ranskalaisten kielet mennessaan ja oli hauska nahda kokki tyossaan. Tarjosin kylla apuani, mutta toimenkuvakseni jai halvan oluen noutaminen (minulla oli nimittain tama salainen tieto kasissani, mista sen ostaminen oli mahdollista) ja tiskaus. Yllatys yllatys.
Yannik ei ehtinyt nauttia Kuala Lumpurista kuin yhden paivan verran, kun jo otimme suunnaksi etelan ja Singaporen. Singaporen matkamme sai akkilahdon kun kavimme ostamassa junaliput pari tuntia ennen junan lahtoa. Nopea pakkaus, evaat mukaan ja junaan. Tietenkin kiirehtiminen oli turhaa silla eihan juna tietenkaan klo.14 lahtenyt, kuten oli maarays. Junalippu maksoi RM 34 ja lahti KL Sentralilta. Junia Singaporeen lahtee paivalla ainakin klo.14 ja myohaan illalla. Luultavasti myos aamulla lahtee yksi tai useampi. Junamatka kesti n. 9 tuntia ja matkalla Malesian viranomaiset kavivat leimaamassa passimme, joten meidan ei tarvinnut astua ulos junasta sen vuoksi. Katevaa. Juna jatti meidat Singaporen pohjoisosaan Woodlandsiin, missa hoidimme passin leimaukset ja muut paperiasiat ja sen jalkeen meidan piti hankkiutua omin voimin keskustaan. Rahaa kannattaa kayda vaihtamassa etukateen ja hankkia kolikoita bussia varten, koska takalaiset bussikuskit eivat saa kasitella rahaa ja nain he eivat pysty antamaan sinulle vaihtorahaa. En uskalla sanoa, mika on nopein ja helpoin tapa paasta Woodlandsista keskustaan, mutta itse otimme ensin bussin metroasemalle, josta sitten taas menimme metrolla Chinatowniin.
Decorations in the streets of Chinatown |
Kati admiring the houses in little India |
Yannik and million Indians |
From Little India |
En tieda oliko itsellani odotukset Singaporesta hieman liian korkealla, mutta esim. rakennukset eivatka ostoskeskukset olleet sen hulppeampia kuin Kuala Lumpurissa. Voi olla, etta Singaporen hienommat ja korkeammat pilvenpiirtajat olisivat sijainneet lahella Marine Bayta tai muussa kaupunginosassa. Kaikkeen ei kutenkaan ehdi yhden paivan aikana ja ehka siis taytyy antaa Singaporelle toinen mahdollisuus jokin toinen kerta. Siistimpaa kylla oli ja selvasti Singapore on viela monikulttuurisempi valtio, kuin Malesia. Kaduilla kuulet puhuttavan englantia joka puolella. Paiva sujui kuitenkin leppoisasti ja valilla pysahdyimme kadun viereiseen Istana puistoon istumaan ja Yannik soitteli ukulelea. Olen muuten niin ihastunut tuohon soittimeen. Itsekin olen valilla pimputtanut kyseista soittopelia ja nyt ovat sormet alkaneet syyhyamaan, etta haluaisin hankkia oman yksilon ..
Orchard Road |
Seuraava paiva meni hieman odotteluksi, kun molempien kyyditykset lahtivat illalla. Yannikin kohti Australiaa ja minun Kuala Lumpuriin. Pyorimme vain Little Indian lahistolla ja kavimme syomassa jne. Mutta ei siis mennyt kauaakaan, kun oli jo aika hankkiutua takaisin Malesian puolelle ja takaisin Kuala Lumpuriin, missa matkakumppanini Kate jo odotteli. Tavallaan harmi, etta vierailu jai lyhyeksi, mutta kukkaro kylla kiitti tasta. Sen verran kalliimpi paikka Singapore kuitenkin on. Viimeinen paiva ei siis itsessaan ollut tapahtumarikas, mutta ilta ja matka kohti KL:a sen sijaan oli kaikkea muuta kuin tylsa.
School of Art in Singapore |
On the 9th February happened something historical. Me and Kate split and went to different directions for couple of days. Kate went with her family to Langkawi and I stayed in KL. I could have joined them but as I had already seen the place and experienced it I decided to stay at the mainland. I also heard that Yannik, who I met in Lao, will visit in KL before going to the Singapore. So my loneliness problem was solved. We stayed in KL for one day and then we headed toward Singapore.
And I think my decision was a good one. For example Yannik's CV includes the occupation of a cook so we were happy to enjoy a really good dinner in Birdnest one night. The pasta (with real cheese!) was so good that the Finnish, Basque and French were totally speechless. I also offered my help but in the end my job was to bring cheap beer (I had the secret knowledge of this !) and do the dishes.
After one day in KL we already left towards Singapore. We took the afternoon train and the leaving was quite quick one. We bought the tickets just two hours before leaving so we had little hurry to pack, get some lunch and go to the station again. But of course we hurried for nothing. The train left late and there was no hurry actually. Trip took 9 hours and we arrived to Singapore around 9 pm. The train left us in the northern part of Singapore where we had to take a bus to the metrostation which took us to the centre. It's good to have some Singapore dollars before and some coins. For some weird reason the local busdrivers can't handle or change money so you have to have the accurate sum of money. So we got to the metrostation and to the Chinatown but there we got only "no no" answers. Everything was full because of the Chinese New Year. So then we had to take new direction and we went to Little India.
In Little India we were more lucky and many people offered their help and informed about different guesthouses. In the end we found 3D Harmony guesthouse and two dorm beds from there. And I actually think it was probably also one of the cheapest ones. Dorm beds for $ 18/25. By then the time was already around 11 pm so it felt so good to just lay on the bed and get some sleep. Sometimes the own bed and pillow just feels luxury and this time it really did. So if you arrive late in Singapore I suggest to book beforehand an accomodation. And I can really recommend Little India. For me the area was perfect as there you can get cheap and good Indian food (the steak lover Yannik probably wasn't so enthusiastic) and the people are friendly and social. Mostly they are Indians. Indian people e actually very friendly but the men can also be quite .. How would I say? Enthusiastic about blond girls. So one night when we were walking at the street I was really happy I was accompanied by man who I know. The streets were full of people but only locals and the only white people were us and I was the only girl. So the amount of looks and starings were quite big. And I wonder how big it would have been if Yannik wouldn't have been there. But still I can really recommend staying in Little India as well .. Aww. The houses. They are so beautiful. They have them in every pastel color and the windows and balconys are decorated so nicely. I just could walk around the streets there for hours and look at the buildings.
Little India |
Mosque from Little India |
So we had just one day in Singapore and we decided to spend it by shopping at Orchard Road. It's probably the main shopping street and you can find many shopping centers and malls from there. Mostly the shops sell design clothes and Thai like clothstalls are not excisted. During the trip I have been wondering why the Swedish miracle H&M doesn't have any shops in Thailand or Malaysia. I thought that there isn't any in Asia .. But now I could find one in Singapore ! (Okay, perhaps not a big achievement ..) Although Singapore had H&M it didn't fill my expectations totally. Probably I waited little bit too much from it as I wasn't so impressed about the buildings which were supposed to be biiiig and huge and modern. It wasn't much different than in KL. But we just saw the one road and Little India so perhaps I shouldn't judge too much. And besides the city was really clean, much cleaner than KL or Bangkok for example. Also the amount of English speaking persons surprised me. You could hear so much English around you. Among shopping we stopped and sat down in Istana Park and Yannik played ukulele. So nice, like we wuld have been isolated from the city for a while. And the ukulele is so nice. I actually like that instrument so much that I've been thinking about buying one also .. I know my playing skills but I have tried couple of times and didn't sound awful. So perhaps I have hope.
Chilling the in the park and we had some live music by Y ! |
Istana Park |
The proud of Sweden itself |
Last day we just waited until our flight or bus left so we just walked around the Little India and the area around it. So it was very quick visit and it was again time to go back to KL and see my travelpartner Kate ! Another day would have been nice but at least my wallet thanked me alot as Singapore is much more expensive than Malaysia. Worth to go and nice place to see though. Perhaps next time more time and looking around. So yes the last day wasn't so exciting but the bus trip to KL didn't lack of excitement ..
From the streets of Singapore |
Someone likes Valentine's day? |
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