keskiviikko 26. joulukuuta 2012

Indian Barbie


Aikaa on taas vierahtanyt Udaipurin paivista, joten katsotaan mita kaikkea kontit oikein muistavat. Kieli vaihtelee nyt englannista suomeksi ja toisin pain, mutta koittakaa pysytella perassa. Anteeksi epajohdonmukaisuudesta, mutta suomeksi on huomattavasti helpompi kirjoittaa ja nopeampi, niin sen vuoksi vaihdan kielen nyt vanhaan tuttuun murteeseen.

Mutta mita oikein tapahtui Udaipurissa, kun teimme parempaa tuttavuutta Buntyn kanssa? Ensimmaisen turistipaivan jalkeen halusimme Jeremyn kanssa kokea jotain aidompaa kuin turisteille suunniteltua valmista ohjelmaa. Palatsi ja tanssiesitys olivat toki osa intialaista kulttuuria, mutta se mita me haemme, on tavallisen paikallisen elaman kohtaamista ja nakemista. Kavimme siis kysymassa paikalliselta rikshaw (tuk tukin kaltainen menopeli)-kuskilta Buntylta, jonka kanssa vaihdoimme ensimmaisena paivana kuulumisia, voisiko han vieda meidat maaseudulle ja nayttaa lahilaueen paikkoja. Yllatyksemme han vei meidat siskonsa luokse, jossa meita tervehti suuri perhe iloisesti. Lapset nayttivat innoissaan koulukirjojaan (, jotka olivat itseasiassa tilikirjoja - mielenkiintoinen tapa opettaa matikkaa taytyy sanoa) ja tarjosivat chapatia ja muita kaiken maailman herkkuja.
"We're are family ... "
The countryside and neighbourhood
Locals make "poop" cakes to use as coal or wood
Palasimme perheen luokse myos seuraavana paivana ja vieraanvaraisuus vain yltyi. Buntyn sisko puki minut ystaviensa kanssa juhla-sariin (sari on paikallisten naisten monen metrin pituinen vaatekappale, joka kiedotaan paalle) ja meikkasivat ja laittoivat hiukset ym. Jeremy taas puettiin paikallisten miesten vaatetukseen ja olimme kuin haapari konsanaan ! Sariin pukeutuminen kesti varmaan tunnin tai pari ja kaikki ymparillani olevat ihmiset puhuivat vain hindia. Valilla vieraan kielen keskelta tunnistin sanat "Indian Barbie". Hahahah. Buntyn siskon Motman ystava teki minulle myos kauniit henna-tatuoinnit, joista olen saanut kuulla kehuja myohemmin matkani aikana. Silla valin kun naiset ja lapset laitattivat minua, niin miehet nauttivat ylakerran terassilla perinteisesti muutamat lasit viskia ja paransivat maailmaa. Ha.

Bunty's sister and her family
Henna tattoo

" Indian barbie ", ha
Pakko sanoa, etta ihailen intialaisten ja erityisesti Buntyn perheen avoimuutta ja vieraanvaraisuutta. Heilla ei ole paljonkaan, mista tarjota, mutta silti he ovat valmiit jakamaan illallisen antimiaan meille ja kestitsemaan kuin laheisia ystavia. Jotain opittavaa itselle ja muille kotimaahan. Voin sanoa oppineeni Buntyn ansiosta todella paljon paikallisten elamasta ja intialaisesta kulttuurista. Kavimme myos mielenkiintoisia keskusteluja paikallisten seurustelukulttuurista. Valitettavasti on ilmeisesti edelleen hyvin yleista, etta suuria kaupunkeja lukuunottamatta avioliitot hoidetaan jarjestamalla ja sopimuksien kanssa.
Kids were so nice ! Offering chapati this time
Kavimme Buntyn kanssa myos katsastamassa pari temppelia, joista toinen oli kamasutra-temppeli. Mielenkiintoisia seinapiirustuksia taytyy sanoa. Kaksi paivaa hanen seurassaan sujuivat siivilla. Ajelimme rikshawn kanssa ympariinsa ja pysahdyimme aina valille chaille (NAM!). Jeremy myos kavi pitkia ja utelevia keskusteluja Buntyn kanssa rikshawn ostosta ja kuulkaas se herra meni ja osti sellaisen ! Eli pian on Intian valtateilla ajelemassa yksi pieni kanadalainen rikshawllaan. Varokaa muut autoilijat !

From the village nearby Udaipur
Kamasutra temple
Interesting ..
The country is so fascinating ! You just turn your head and you see ..
 Valitettavasti hauskanpidosta joutui myos maksamaan. Neljantena paivana Udaipurissa sain kuuluisan vatsataudin ja makasin koko paivan sohvalla tai sangyssa nukkuen. Meidan oli tarkoitus matkustaa kyseisena iltana kohti Mumbaita, mutta uusiksihan suunnitelmat meni. Olin kuitenkin onnekas ja vatsatauti hellitti seuraavana paivana. Junaliput peruutettiin, mutta jouduin vaihtamaan ne bussilippuihin, koska kaikki junaliput olivat menneet. Nyt sain siis kokea todellisuuden, kuinka vaikeaa junilla matkustaminen Intiassa voi olla. Jeremy jai hoitamaan rikshawn ostoon liittyvia asioita ja konttien oli aika jatkaa matkaa yksinaan. Eli Intian Hollywood - Mumbai - here I come !

Sorry my English speaking friends - this time the post will be short for you guys. But the next couple days in Udaipur. What happened? And how's Bunty? Bunty is a local rikshaw driver who took us to see the local life in India. He took us to meet his family and both time the family was so happy to welcome us. Bunty's siter and her friends wore me in Sari one day and the family offered us dinner. When the five or six girls wore me in sari and were speaking just Hindi I just recognise few words - "Indian Barbie" hahah. They're so great. Kids were crazy and told us every single English word they just knew. What a lovely family and so kind ! They don't have much but still they'are more than ready share from their own.

Bunty also took us to see two temples (other one was kamasutra temple - interesting must say) and we had long talks about love and relationships. The two days with him really helped me too see and understand local 's life and the culture. But the funny also had it's costs: I got the famous stomach ache and on the fourth day in Udaipur I was just laying and sleeping in the bed. But I had little bit luck and the stomach ache lasted just one day and next day I was able to travel to Mumbai. Jeremy stayed in Udaipur as you never guess - he bought a tuk tuk ! That crazy adventurer ! Now he is somewhere at the Indian highway driving with that ! Awesome. 

But my travels continued towards Indian Hollywood - Mumbai- and from there more South and the beaches ..

sunnuntai 16. joulukuuta 2012

Towards South we go ! But shanti shanti (slowly slowly)

So this time we made it. We left two hours before our  train's departing time from our guesthouse so we would be definitely on time. And we were. We had also time for a chai and just relax. Actually India is great as here you have always time for a chai. Shanti shanti they say .. Slowly slowly. And chai ... Finally I have found spiritual tea friends ! Indian people know that the best way to enjoy your tea is with milk. In Finland many people wonder why I put milk in my tea, but here ... They know what I'm talking about.

But so the train trip. Interesting. I'd heard lot of stories about that but still it was something I couldn't imagine. The halls are full of 6 bed "cabins" with out a door and then there are the 50 Indian eye pairs just staring at you. No worda about privacy. But it wasn't that bad. Actually I'm quite used to that the people like to stare me, that weird little white girl .. It's so funny that although there have been travelers in India for hundreds of years but still one little white  girl is something special for them. On the way before trying to get some sleep we talked with local man Ravi who works for French embassy in Delhi but goes every weekend to see his family in Udaipur. Think,every single weekend he travels 24 hours to see his family and he stays in  Udaipur less than one day .. That shows how important  family is here.

And we are in the train !
Always remember to be quick - the top bed is the best !

On the train you see so much people going. People change train, there are chai and soup sellers and when people hear that there are white people in the train  they probably just come to see them (this time us). My first experience and time in the train was actually quite positive!I slept well and had a nice talk with Ravi. So when we arrived in Udaipur I was in good spirit. In Udaipur train station I met immediately the bad side of India. Little kids come to beg some food or anything else we just could give. Jeremy gave our oranges for the kids which I think is ok to do. Food yes,money no. As you never know where to money goes.

In Udaipur we heard from nice guesthouse Shiva and when they had a really nice room with a view to the lake it was that then. After settling down we went to see the perhaps biggest attraction City palace which is still the home of the local King. It was and okay,but well..Museums are always museum. Then we just walked  around  and had lunch in a very cute and a small place next to the lake. The atmosphere was so calm. Also here the traffic is busy and noisy although the city is much smaller than Delhi. So it's nice to run away a bit the traffic sometimes. In the evening we were supposed to meet Ravi but he had family business to do so we ended up to go and see folk dance. Funny little show and entertaining ..
Cows wandering at the street
From local park
Local kids wanted to get into a picture
The cutest place just next to the river !
Folk dance show
View from our guesthouse's terrace
 So the first day was pretty touristic kind of day ..Museum, dance show .. But the next day. Luckily we got better friends Bunty. What happened? I'll tell you more next time. I can just tell I know a lot more about local dating culture and that the riksha (tuk-tuk) can go anywhere !
Bunty !

perjantai 14. joulukuuta 2012



Hetki sitten olin istumassa autossa matkalla Helsinkiin ja ulkona satoi lunta vaakatasossa ja lumi pollysi. Nyt istun kattoterassilla juomassa chaita ja juttelemassa hassuja Jeremyn kanssa. Jeremyn tapasin Kaakkois-Aasian reissulla Malesiassa. Kohtalo on tuonut polkumme jalleen samoille jaljille ja nyt reissaamme Intian kaduilla ja kujilla yhdessa luultavasti kuukauden verran.

Ensi pysakki Intian reissulla on luonnollisesti Delhi. Pakko sanoa, etta oli aika luksusta matkustaa Helsingista Finnairin suorilla lennoilla Delhiin. Ei valilaskuja tai minullekin minikokoisia penkkeja. Kiitos Hullut paivat ! Delhissa on nyt tullut oltua pari paivaa. Ensimmaisena paivana jo sain maistaa paikallisten ystavallisyytta, kun taksikuski lupasi vieda minut 200 rupian hintaan hostellilleni (virallinen hinta 300 rupiaa, tinkimalla varmasti paasisi halvemminkin). Hostellia, Hare Krishna Guesthousea, suositteli ystavani Jeremy, joka saapui paikalle myohemmin iltapaivalla mahtavan ranskalaistuttavan Cristianin kanssa. Ihana vanhempi herrasmies Ranskasta, joka on reissannut Intiassa ensimmaisen kerran jo 12 vuotta sitten.

Kuulumisten vaihtamisen ja parin chain jalkeen lahdimme tutkimaan Delhin katuja ja toreja. Pelkasin kohtaavani suurempia ihmismassoja, mutta en ainakaan viela ole pahemmin ahdistunut. Silleja tassa purkissa on kylla tuplaten K-Aasiaan verrattuna, mutta kylla tanne yksi Kati mahtuu hyvin. Old Delhissa ja siella Sikhi temppelissa vierailessamme sain kokea paikallisten herrojen mielenkiinnon vaaleita tyttoja kohtaan, mutta muuten olen saanut olla melko rauhassa. Luultavasti kiitos herrojen. Eivat uskalla hyppia heidan varpaille.

Monta chapatia ja naania on jo masussa ja odotan vain, etta paasen maistelemaan lisaa. Intia on kylla sellainen kasvissyojan paratiisi ! Mums mums. Olen yrittanyt myos taistella ja kayttaa syodessani vain oikeaa katta, mutta suttaamiseksihan se vain menee. Tosin eipahan tarvitse matkakumppaneille kertoa, mita olen viimeksi syonyt. Ha.

Old Delhin markkinoiden lisaksi olemme Jeremyn kanssa yrittaneet hoidella junalippuja kohti etelaa. Tarkoituksena on matkustaa kohti Keralaa pysahtyen matkan varrella Udaipurissa, Mumbaissa ja Goan seuduilla. Saa nahda miten kay, koska meidan piti jo eilen astua junaa, mutta otimme hieman liiankin rennosti (shanti shanti) ja myohastyimme junasta. Tanaan herasimme seitsemalta jonottamaan uusia lippuja ja illalla uusi yritys ! Tanaan menemmekin jo pari tuntia ennen paikalle, ettei varmasti myohastyta. Let's see what happens !

First days in Delhi and lot of has happened ! Lot of good food, nice people, and .. some more people. Although I was surprised that there are not so much as I thought. Probably I over thought the amount of people. It's lovely to meet my old friend Jeremy and he introduced me to a new friend, Cristian. Lovel French man who has been India many times and first time 12 years ago.

Thanks to Jeremy and Cristian the local men have also left me in peace and only one has asked me to kiss him. And the weirdest thing was that this happened in a Sikh temple. I'm a foreign girl in temple and the local boy comes and asks me to kiss him?! hahah. This happened in Old Delhi where we also went to see the really nice spice market where I probably will visit before going home ..

We have tried to organize our trip to South and actually yesterday we were supposed to leave already but we probably took to shanti shanti (slowly slowly) so we missed our train. But today is the new day and new try ! Let's wish we will make it !

New Delhi

lauantai 8. joulukuuta 2012



People used to say "good night, don't let bed bugs bite" before going to sleep. I think they should say "don't let travel bugs bite !". As when it does .. There's no coming back ! I spent two months in Finland and then it happened again. I booked tickets to India for Christmas and New Year. I will leave in the middle of December (next Tuesday !) and stay one month.

Why India? Actually .. I must say I don't know. One year ago I wasn't even intrested to go there and I thought it would be too harsh place for me. But when the tickets were cheap and I knew the food is good .. Why not? Noo .. Probably there is some deeper reason why I go there. There's is something in the culture why I want to see it. But one thing I say, the reason is not the short people ! I have heard again mentions about my size and the fact that I'm again going to a place where the people are pocket-size like me. But that's not the reason.

But once again, welcome to see and read about my travels somewhere over the Ganges river or the Bollywood sign !

maanantai 3. joulukuuta 2012

Top moments - finally

Months have passed after I came back home. Feelings were contradictory and seeing my home in Oripää made me feel empty. The whole year was over. What should I do now? I was little bit scared about getting depressed and sad for coming back. But luckily I have amazing friends here in Finland too and my family. Actually without them coming back wouldn't have been that easy. Also I have kept regularly and less regularly contact with friends around the world which has helped my longing for travelling and the feeling of mysterious tomorrow. As the feeling when you don't know what's going to happen tomorrow or who you gonna meet is exciting and I really got addicted. Some point it was frustrating but if you really wouldn't enjoy that you wouldn't love travelling. I also miss the athmosphere which you experience during the travels and with the people who you are with. The feeling of being present and you actually have time to listen what the other one has to say. You don't need to tell the other one that I have just two hours for you. Actually you don't have anything else give but time. And yourself. 

Before I go too deep with my writing I will go to the point with my text. So now is the traditional Top 5 time. Actually it's good I write this so much later after my trip so the old memories have grown sweeter. So I won't say any bad things or sides about any place but I will say the top 3 from every country. I wish YOU have time and energy read them all and enjoy the best moments from myt trip with me the last time !

- Food. I had no idea how good it is before I went. I love food and I love to try new things but I'd never tried Thai food before. And I must say so much thanks for Noppa and Juuso who introduced me to the local food. Massaman, panang, red curry .. I miss you my spicy little friends.
Massaman curry
- Diving. I just didn't experience amazing things on the ground but submarine too. In Koh Tao I got my OWD (Open Water diver)- license. After that a whole new world opened to me and new passion caught fire.
@ Koh Tao
 - Bangkok. The city of opportunities. City of late night or early morning parties. City of crazy people. City of mysteries. This city is full of noise, smells, people, sky crapers, rumbling houses, shops, restaurants, tuk-tuks .. Bangkok. You don't go and see it. You go and experience it. Watch Hangover  2. It's not fiction. It's true what Bangkok really is !
Bangkok by night
- Perhentian islands. I heard from this place already in the beginning of my trip and until day before or two my leave from Kuala Lumpur I wasn't sure if should go. Thank god I went. The island was one of my best experiences I had in my trip. The athmosphere of the place is so relaxed and calming so you canät do anything else but relax there. And the people I met, locals and backpackers, made my visit even more wonderful. Actually I don't know if the people who I met there realise how much they affected me and made me think who am I. So it wasn't big surprise why I went there twice.
A-Team at Mama's
- Food. Haha. Food again ! I really love food and in Malaysia I fell in love with the Indian food. Roti Chanai, Teh Tarik (milk tea), all the curries ... YUM ! In Kuala Lumpur you must go to Chinatown or Little India. The best food ! (And the secret beer shop is in Chinatown too.)
Banana Leaf !
- Diversity. One day we were in a small island snorkling among Clownfishes and next day trekking in the middle of the world's oldest rainforest ! The nature is stunning in Malaysia and there I really did lot of different things. Also the diversity of local people (Indian, Chinese, Malaysian etc.) is intriguing although I heard that the locals from different backgrounds don't get along so well. Shame but perhaps it will change some day.
Submarine life at Perhentian
Taman Negara rainforest
City life
- History. I don't know what was with this place but here I really got interested about the history of this country. First we went to see the famous temples in Angkor and then visited the Khmer Rouge time museums. Cambodia has suffered a lot and it's history is full of great and very sad stories. Probably a country where I will go again.
Angkor Wat
- Local people. Although Cambodian people has suffered a lot and the Khmer Rouge is still a fresh memory the local people are friendly and they smile all the time. They are not rich and you can see the poverty everywhere but still they are ready to help you or give advices (which were not always good ones as they were too embarresed to admit they didn't know). For example the local teacher training students offered us a free tour in their school without asking !

Picture from school in Siem Reap
- Mystery. There's something mysterious about Cambodia. In a way the country is developed for Asian country but the countryside is very poor and rural. Also the happy and friendly people in a country where the history is so hard and it's still affecting makes me wonder .. How that can be possible?

- Athmosphere. There's no more relaxed country than Lao. The people are moving, talking and doing things more slowly than my old grandmother. But it doesn't mean they are lazy. It's just that they have all the time. Why to hurry if you have plenty of time ? Amazing way to live and sometimes I really should remember to take life in Lao way. We almost succeeded in that in Don Det where we literally layed four days on a terrace without doing anything. And it was awesome !

Chilling in Don Det
- Local people. They smile, smile and smile. When I think the quality of their life and how poor the people are I admire their attitude. You just couldn't avoid similing yourself in Lao too !
Local kids in Don Det
-Authentic. In Lao you can still travel hours without seeing western fast food chains or the people is genuinely interested from you, not your money. Of course you can see tourism in Lao and the country has changed a lot in ten years for example. But definitely I would recoomed Lao to any traveller. Go there soon as you can !

Vang Vieng
- Little India. Streets are full of people and it's late. I noticed I'm the only female in the middle of crowd and get lot of interesting looks. The Indian Bollywood music is playing in the background and the smell of curries is in the air. Little India !
Little India
- Modern. Singapore is the international part of South East Asia. People are speaking English in the buses and trains. You can do your souvenir shopping in H&M or Louis Vuitton's shops. You can actually go to a "real" coffee shop. Western and Asian culture combines in this little city. Sometimes you think you'd be in American city but then the big Hello Kitty figure jumps in front of you. Then you remember again you're in Asia.

You can see internationality in Singapore.

- Meeting the local family. I didn't want to say local people as I have really contradictory image from them. Some of them were the most kindest people ever (like Harry's family) and some were just total a****les. I lived ten days with Harry's family whose friendliness stays in my mind forever. And they probably remember me as the weird white girl who ate all their tempe.

The Bali family
 - Culture. The Balinese culture is something very unique which I have never seen. Their everyday life is full of beautiful ceremonies and with Harry's family I was honored to witness many ceremonies. The architecture is amazing too and definitely worth seeing.

Ceremonies ..
 - Diving. Turtles, sharks, nemos, rays etc. Do I have to say more?
Aquaddiction - Gili Trawang
- Melbourne. One of my favorite cities nowadays. There are parks, cafes, sport halls and events' concerts etc. There's everything what you need and the athmosphere in the city is in Australian way relaxed
- Friendliness. The local people who I met were very friendly and thoughtful. Already at the airport on my way from Indonesia to Australia one Australian lady offered me money to pay my departing fee. And they are always ready to offer you one pint more .. Haha.

My dear friend, "mommy", Sharon
-Awareness. You can have your coffee with soy milk, non fat, organic, with local milk etc. And in cafes and lunch places almost all the food is local producted or organic. Is almost assumption there, no priviledge. We have a lot to learn in Finland ..

Totally local or organic
These were just few highlights that came into my mind. In every place there were own unique things which will stay in my mind. Specially the people. Local and my travelling friends. They made my trip. Thank you.

sunnuntai 26. elokuuta 2012

Last days in Oz

Se oli ihan oikeasti edessä. Lento Helsinki-Vantaalle alkoi lähestymään ja päivät hupenemaan. Miten tämä kaikki meni niin nopeasti? Juurihan minä nostin konttini ilmaan kohti Bangkokin lentokenttää ja nyt pitäisi jo valmistautua kotiinpaluuseen. Viimeiset päivät menivätkin sellaisessa usvassa, että näin myöhemmin tätä tekstiä kirjoittaessa ja viikkoa muistellessa, en juurikaan muista mitä tein. Onneksi rakkaaksi ystäväkseni muodostunut digikamera kertoi edes jotain.

It was really soon about to happen. Going back home. How this happened? It was just few days ago when I started my trip and I was nervous little girl heading to Bangkok. Now it was time to prepare myself to trip back home. The last days went just like that and I must admit I don't remember much of them. Luckily my camera reminded me little bit ..

Viimeisinä päivinä minulla ei juurikaan ollut lastenvahtikeikkoja, joten minulla oli aikaa kierrellä ja kaarrella katsomassa viimeisiä nähtävyyksiä. Esimerkiksi tein mielenkiintoisen visiitin Old Melbourne Gaoliin eli vanhaan vankilaan, jossa on mm. kuuluisa australialainen rikollinen Ned Kelly joskus virunut. Tuliaisostokset kävin tekemässä Queen Victoria Marketilla ja aikamoinen kasa niitä sitten tulikin hankittua.

Last days I didn't have to work much so I had plenty of time to go around and see still little bit the city. For example I went to Old Melbourne Gaol which is an old jail and where the notorious Ned Kelly spend his last days. Souvenir shopping I made at the Queen Victoria market and I can tell that I didn't leave there with empty hands.

Old Melbourne Gaol
Old Melbourne Gaol
Luultavasti vaikeinta oli sanoa hyvästit niille ihanille ihmisille, joihin tutustuin neljän kuukauden aikana.  Tulen kaipaamaan kovasti kakkosäitiäni Sharonia ja "pikkuveljeäni" Jamesia Torqayssa, joista tuli kuin toinen perheeni Melbournessa ollessani. Myös nanny-perheeni jäävät lämpimänä muistona mieleeni. Kun taas viimeisenä päivänä en pystynyt juttelemaan kämppisteni kanssa normaalisti, koska aloin melkein joka kerta pillittämään. Onneksi olen kuitenkin matkani aikana oppinut, että maailma on pieni ja ei ikinä arvaa, ketä vielä kohtaa uudestaan.

The hardest thing was probably to say goodbye for the people. I will miss a lot my Aussie mom Sharon and my "baby brother" James who became like a family for me while I stayed in Melbourne. Also my nanny families will always stay in my heart and I will remember them. Last day in Wanda Road was really hard as I couldn't almost talk to my roommates as I always wanted to cry .. But I learned on this trip that the world is small and you never know who you will meet again .. 

TEAM Wanda Rd
Viimeiset hetket viimeisenä päivänä vietin Eureka Towerissa. Eureka Tower on 297 metriä korkea pilvenpiirtäjä, josta pääsee ihastelemaan Melbournen kaupunkia yläilmoista (kustantaa 18,50 AUS dollaria). Onneksi matkaa näköalatasanteelle ei tarvitse itse jaloitella vaan matka taittuu nopsaan hissillä. Muuten nämä kontit olisivatkin jääneet maanpinnalle ! Kokemus oli kuitenkin mielestäni täydellinen päätös Melbournen kokemukselleni. Edessäni aukeni se mahtava kaupunki, johon ihastuin heti ensimmäisinä päivinä. Kaupungin viehättävyys jopa selätti kylmän talven, josta sain melkein koko  ajan kärsiä Melbournessa ollessani. Katsellessani eteeni aukeavaa kaupunkia en voinut uskoa asuneeni kyseisessä kaupungissa neljä kuukautta. Tai että olisin jättämässä sen seuraavana päivänä. Olo oli haikea ja tulihan sieltä taasen pari kyyneltä poskelle. Ne olivat kuitenkin surun ja onnen kyyneleiden väliltä. Olin onnellinen, että olin tullut ja kokenut tämän kaupungin, mutta myös haikea joutuessani jättämään sen taakseni. En kuitenkaan sano hyvästejä Melbournelle vaan näkemiin ja ehkä tavataan taas.

The last moments of the last day I spent at the Eureka Tower. Tower is 297-metre skycraper where you can experience amazing skydeck experience and see the whole city. Thank god you don't have to take the stairs to this place .. Then this girl would have stayed steadily on the ground. But the experience was perfect ending for my stay in Melbourne. This amazing city in which I fell in love immediately opened in front of me. Even the cold winter didn't beat this city and I stubbornly stayed there. When I was looking at Melbourne I couldn't believe I had lived there for four months. Or that I would be leaving it next day. I was feeling sad and again I started to cry little bit .. But those were happy tears also .. I was happy to stay in this amazing city but I was sad to leave it. But Melbourne I won't say goodbye to you. I'll say "See you later, alligator."
Eureka Tower
Melbourne CBD
I <3 MEL